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the Chinese exclusion act 

luck of the titanic

All through the novel, Valora Luck has faced many terms of racism because of her race. Valora is Chinese, and many people looked down on her because of that. This page is going to go into detail about the Chinese Exclusion act and how racist many people on the Titanic at that time actually were.


luck of the titanic


The Chinese Exclusion Act was an active law restriction immigration into the United States. It was first originally published in the 1880's and has been effective in America since 1943, when it was appealed and taken down. 

The Chinese Exclusion Act would first be recommended after many Chinese immigrants came to America, looking for riches or a better life. Some immigrated legally, and some illegally, however the American citizens were not the happiest. They charged some of the immigrants more than usual when buying utilities or food, and the immigrants would get taxed more. After all of this, the Chinese Exclusion Act enforced that immigrants from china are forbidden to come to America. After facing many discriminatory acts, immigrants stopped going to America.

In the novel, at the beginning, Valora is trying to get onto the Titanic that is heading to New York- in America. At that time, the Chinese Exclusion Act was still in motion, which caused it to be difficult to get onto the Titanic without "documents." And, even after getting onto the Titanic, there were many racist encounters with some of the people there.

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